Engineering Services

At this point in time, Electromotive is not selling or repairing product. If you have a serious interest in purchasing the rights and technology of the Electromotive product line as well as its sale channels, including all of our website names, please contact Thank you for your understanding and support.
  • Engineering Services

    Engine Management Control

    Have a Performance and Racing Idea You Want to Bring to Life?

    Do you have an idea or a dream to improve the performance of a particular engine, engine function or engine application and need help in developing a controller to bring this vision to life?

    If It’s Different, We Can Help.

  • First 30 Minutes Technical Assistance

    Initial technical support time block.  Do not purchase unless instructed by Electromotive support.

  • Add 15 Minutes Technical Assistance

    Purchase additional tech support time in 15 minute increments.