Product Description
3-port boost control solenoid for use with external “racing” wastegates.
3-port boost control solenoid for use with external “racing” wastegates.
GM single-wire knock sensor. Sensor features a 1/4″ NPT thread for block mounting. May require block threading to install. Compatible with all knock input-equipped Electromotive systems.
A weld-in boss for EGO/HEGO sensors for retrofit or installation into custom exhaust systems.
Bosch-style 4-wire HEGO sensor for use with all Electromotive systems, including early TEC1 and TEC2 systems. This is a narrow-band sensor.
4-wire GM O-ring-style IAC motor with in-line Metri-Pack connector. This IAC motor can be used as a replacement for those found in most aftermarket throttle bodies, including those made by Electromotive. Also fits Electromotive remote-mount and Ford adapters.